El Foro

Hace unos dias fue el «20th Chuo International Education Forum», una experiencia de aprendizaje muy intensa donde tambien conocimos las opiniones y entornos de estudiantes (y profesores) de paises como Finlandia, Taiwan, Canada y Belgica.


Como ven, el evento es de gran importancia en Morioka, el teatro estaba rebalsando de gente ansiosa por escuchar las propuestas y ver las presentaciones culturales de cada pais al final.

Para preparar las presentaciones fuimos separados en 5 grupos (A, B, C, D, E) y a su vez, adentro de cada grupo nos repartimos las tareas de acuerdo a nuestras habilidades. Agustin y yo (Guido) ambos fuimos oradores de nuestros grupos. El evento abrio con un show de Sansa Odori, una danza tipica de la ciudad de Morioka.


Luego de esto hubieron discursos de figuras de la comunidad educativa de Japón y otro baile, esta vez del equipo de porristas de la escuela. Una vez finalizado su acto, llego el momento de ejecutar nuestra presentacion y mostrar todo lo que trabajamos con nuestro grupo. Cada grupo realizo una presentacion totalmente distinta: un grupo armo una especie de debate, otro armo una charla y otros prepararon videos cortos. Fue muy enriquecedor e interesante ver como todos llegamos a conclusiones muy distintas a partir de temas parecidos. Sin embargo, la necesidad de cambiar ampliamente el paradigma actual de la educacion fue un eje compartido por todos los grupos, incluso por paises como Finlandia, conocidos por sus inovadoras tecnicas de estudio.

Los espectadores pudieron votar la mejor presentacion, a los integrantes de ésta se les entregó regalos.

Al final del foro hubieron shows de cultura de cada pais. Nosotros realizamos el nuestro primeros, una clase corta sobre como bailar tango con la participacion del publico. Ramiro y yo tocamos la cumparsita (en guitarra y piano) y la bailaron alumnos de China, Rusia y Australia, guiados por Agustin. Los otros paises demostraron tambien sus danzas, canciones y talentos tradicionales. El publico estaba encantado con ver las culturas, y lo demostraban aplaudiendo vigorosamente e iluminando con sus celulares.


Gracias por seguir nuestro viaje!

Some days ago the «20th Chuo International Education Forum» was held, a wholesome learning experience where we also got to know the opinions and environments other students (and teachers) of countries like Indonesia, Taiwan, Canada and Belgium lived in.


As you can see, the event is of great relevance in Morioka, the theatre was packed with people waiting to see the proposals of every group and seeing the cultural presentations of each country at the end

In order to prepare the presentations we were divided in 5 groups (A, B, C, D and E) and also subdivided by tasks inside each group, according to our habilities. Both Agustin and me were speakers of our groups. The event opened with a show of Sansa Odori, a typical Moriokan dance.


After this there were speeches by figures of the educational community of Japan and another dance, this time from the cheerleading team of the school. Once their show was finished, it was time to execute our presentation and demonstrate everything we had discussed with our group. Each group made a completely different presentation: one group created a kind of debate, another set up a talk and others prepared short videos. It was very enriching and interesting to see how we all arrived to very different conclusions based on similar topics. However, the need to widely change the current paradigm of education was a central point shared by all groups, including countries such as Finland, known for their innovative study techniques.

The spectators were able to vote for the best presentation, the members of it were given gifts.

At the end of the forum there were cultural shows of each country. We did ours’ first, a short class on how to tango, with the participation of the public. Ramiro and I played the Cumparsita (on guitar and piano) and students from China, Russia and Australia danced, guided by Agustin. The other countries also demonstrated their traditional dances, songs and talents. The audience was delighted to see the cultures, and they showed it by vigorously applauding and illuminating with their cell phones.


Thanks for following our trip!


I live with my mother, my father, sister (20 years old) and dog in Buenos Aires (15 minutes away from school). I have attended Ward School since I was 2 years old, and I spend 9 hours per day there, where I do many activities. I enjoy playing the French Horn at my school band, participating in Model UN and I like electronics and programming. I also like travelling and getting to know different cultures through their food, language, history, etc. My last student exchange was 3 years ago, when I had the chance to travel to Uruguay and live with a student’s family. I am looking forward to being in Japan and having the chance to live in a traditional Japanese environment.

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