Tokio: una ciudad cultural/Tokyo: a cultural city

Nuestro recorrido comenzó en el parque Ueno, uno de los principales focos culturales de la ciudad. Allí visitamos el Museo Nacional de Arte, que posee increíbles piezas de cerámica de la cultura japonesa. A la tarde, recorrimos el Santuario Toshogu (Período Edo – 1627) y realizamos la tradicional ceremonia de purificación.

Our tour began at Ueno Park, one of the main cultural centers of the city. There, we visited the National Museum of Art, which has a vast collection of  japanese pottery. In the afternoon, we toured the Toshogu Shrine (Edo period – 1627). In order to enter we had to performed the traditional ceremony of purification.

Ceremonia de purificación , santuario Thoshogu, parque Ueno,Tokio / Purification ceremony in Toshogu santuary. Ueno park ,Tokio



Taller de estampas Museo Nacional de Arte de Tokio

Taller de estampas Museo Nacional de Arte de Tokio











I am a teacher of art and design at the secondary and university levels. I am also deepening my studies in education and new technologies. In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family and friends, making cultural visits to museums and exhibitions, as well as going to the cinema. I wish that this experience gives me the possibility to know new cultures as well as to generate new links.

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