De regreso a Argentina / Back to Argentina

Durante el viaje no pudimos contar con el tiempo y las conexiones a Internet suficientes para mantener en forma diaria este blog, pero iremos subiendo gradualmente las experiencias vividas.

During our trip we haven’t got time and wi-fi enough to keep a daily update of this travel blog. But we’ll be gradually uploading some information, while we manage to put our memories and feelings together.


Queridos estudiantes, compañeros docentes y comunidad toda del Colegio Ward:

Aquí estamos, luego de nuestro largo viaje al Morioka CHUO High School. Estamos felices de estar en casa nuevamente y llenos de gratos recuerdos. Quiero que sepan que hemos pasado un tiempo excelente, conociendo gente y aprendiendo un montón.

Sentimos que estábamos en un mundo distinto, pero lo más importante de eso, sentimos que éramos parte de ese mundo. Conocimos gente proveniente de Australia, Vietnam, China, Malasia, Nueva Zelandia,Tailandia, Canadá, Indonesia, Rusia, Francia y, por supuesto, Japón.

Nuestra lengua común era el Inglés y nuestros estudiantes se adaptaron a esa situación sin ningún inconveniente, aún más, nos mostraron a todos nosotros que lo hablan en forma muy fluida y que son capaces de utilizar el vocabulario correcto, de la forma correcta y en el momento adecuado a cada situación. Fueron capaces de estrechar profundos lazos con otros estudiantes en poco tiempo.

Quiero que sepan que los estudiantes no solo se divirtieron, sino que también asistieron a clases, prepararon temas y presentaciones para el Foro, basados en el material que habían recogido de sus visitas a las zonas devastadas por los desastres naturales de 2011. Todos fuimos muy conmovidos por los desastres naturales que habían sufrido tantas personas.

Hay muchas cosas más para contarles, pero poco a poco volveremos a organizar la inmensa cantidad de recuerdos, experiencias y sensaciones que hemos acumulado en relativamente tan poco tiempo. Creo que conforme pasen los días podremos ir recordando más claramente y organizando esas experiencias junto a los estudiantes para poder compartirlas con ustedes.

¡Uy! Me estaba olvidando de contarles sobre algunos juegos que hemos inventado durante ambos largos viajes en avión, pero ese será tema de otro artículo.

Con afecto,

Prof. Norma Ontivero – Asesora Psicológica del Nivel Secundario


Dear students, fellow teachers and the Ward School family:

Here we are after hour long trip to Morioka CHUO High School.Happy to be at home again and full of great memories.I want you to know that we have had a great time knowing people and learning a lot.

We felt we were in a different world but the most important fact is that we felt we were part of that world. We met people coming from Australia, Vietnam, China,Malasya, New Zealand,Thailand,Canada, Indonesia, Russia,France, and Japan.
Our common language was English and our students adapted to the situation without any effort, even more, I would say that they showed all of us that they spoke the language very fluently and , moreover I would say they perfectly managed de registers and knew quite well what to say and how to say it in each situation.They established deep relationships in a.very short time.

I want you to know that they not only had fun but also attended classes and prepared subjets and presentations for the forum, they had long periods of time during which they had to prepare power points with the facts they had learnt and seen during their trips to the devastated areas.All of us were moved by the people that had suffered such a terrible natural disaster.

There are many more things to tell you but little by little we will be able to put in order our remembrances because at this point we have too many thoughts in our mind and I feel that as time goes on we will remember each situation clearly and with many more details.

Oh! I was leaving aside games we invented during,both, our long trips but that will be the subject of another short article.


Prof. Norma Ontivero – Psychology Counselor of the Seconday School


Presentación del 14º Foro Internacional de Educación CHUO / Introduction of the 14th CHUO International Education Forum


Ceremonia de recepción al Colegio Ward con motivo de su 1ra. participación en el Foro Internacional de Educación CHUO / Welcoming ceremony for Colegio Ward on its first participation in the CHUO International Education Forum.


Ágape de despedida de las delegaciones / Delegation’s farewell ceremony.



I am a former student at Ward and after many years of working as a psychologist with a private practice. I was called to teach psychology and be the High School psychologist. Cambridge International Examinations’ counseling at Ward’s High School is also one of my fields of work. I’m currently developing the Global Perspectives issue with my students and we’re very excited to explore it among youngsters from different countries, whom we hope to meet in Morioka. I am very happy about being at Ward. What I love most is to say that I have spent all my life at Ward.

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