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Is it a dream?

My hypothesis is that each person and each situation is unique but there is always something in common: the possibility of opening their hearts and minds. At the 16th Chuo International Education Forum I had the opportunity to meet people from America, Europe, Asia and Africa. I found in each of them the same characteristic; all […]

Learning from Reality

Much has been said about human bonds but no matter where you come from and where you go to there is a universal feeling of pain and suffering when you are confronted with a natural disaster and its consequences. We went to Japan not to rebuild Iwate but to see how these people face such […]

Curiosidades del idioma / Curiosities of language

Conociendo a otros docentes del Foro En el primer instante en que arribamos a Morioka, los docentes fuimos invitados a una cena formal de presentación. En un principio, me sentí como si hubiera tomado un cohete y aterrizado directamente en ese lugar, que no me imaginaba sería tan pero tan lindo y agradable. Nos preparamos […]

De regreso a Argentina / Back to Argentina

Durante el viaje no pudimos contar con el tiempo y las conexiones a Internet suficientes para mantener en forma diaria este blog, pero iremos subiendo gradualmente las experiencias vividas. During our trip we haven’t got time and wi-fi enough to keep a daily update of this travel blog. But we’ll be gradually uploading some information, […]