Cierre del foro 2014

20140827_081846Ser parte de esta experiencia fue increible. Convivir una semana con una familia de japon fue lo que mas nos gusto del viaje ya que, pudimos descubrir la verdadera escencia japonesa al vivir el dia a dia con ellos. De esta forma pudimos descubrir nuevos deportes, nuevas comidas, nuevos juegos y un lenguaje totalmente distinto!! Conocer chicos de otros lugares del mundo tambien fue muy divertido y enriquecedor, con ellos pudimos practicar mucho ingles y hacernos buenos amigos. El dia del foro pudimos expresar nuestras ideas y mostrar nuestra cultura a traves de la musica. Esta experiencia fue unica y va a quedar grabada en nosotras para toda la vida.  Agradecemos tanto al colegio como a nuestros papas por darnos la oportunidad de vivir esta experiencia increible.

Being part of this experience was incredible. Living one week with a japanesse family was what we liked most. We were able to dicover their real culture. In this way we could find new sports, food, games and a totally different language!! Meeting people of other parts of the world was very funny and enriching. With them we could practise english as well as reaching to be good friends. The day of the forum we could tell the audience our ideas and show our culture through music. This experience was unique and will stay with us all life long. We thank the school and our parents for giving us the opportunity of living this incredible experience.

My name is Verónica Julieta Freire, I am 16 years old. I study at Colegio Ward since I was 2 years old. Each day spent here is marvellous. I am also part of the music band of my school: first I learned to play the oboe and now I am learning to play the fagot. Furthermore, I am looking foward to this new experience of travelling to Japan and being part of the Forum, I am sure It will be a key point in my life!

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